Australia's Leading Defibrillator Store
Multiple Models Available - TGA Australian Approved
AED portable defibrillators are designed to be easy-to-operate systems and most come with audio or visual instructions for ease of use. So, should a first aid situation occur in a workplace, at an event or even at home, it can be used to deliver treatment by a trained or untrained rescuer.
With more than 20,000 Australians suffering from sudden cardiac arrest each year, having a mini portable AED defibrillator in public spaces and workplaces, or even for home use, can save lives.
In Australia, the price of an automatic defibrillator machine can vary in price. We have a range of portable heart defibrillators available for sale from leading brands like ZOLL AED and HeartSine, that are priced to suit every budget.
Buy a Defibrillator for your workplace

Each year, more businesses are recognising the importance of defibrillators in the workplace. Australian workplace health and safety legislation specifies that first aid arrangements must be suitable and adequate for the type of work and the nature of the worksite. In a workplace where there is a foreseeable risk of sudden cardiac arrests, such as a clinic, hospital or other medical facilities, a defibrillator would generally be considered a standard item of equipment.
Models Available